Monday 15 October 2012

Apparently the Drugs Do Work

This retaliation to my previous post 'The Drugs Don't Work' has stuck at the forefront of my mind for weeks now. So many questions with no answers: what do you mean they work? how do they work? what are they working for? what is their purpose?

It's incredulous when people casually mention drugs, in such an off hand manner: 'Oh hey, I take drugs' they might as well be saying. What's even worse is that this type of conversation doesn't shock the majority of people any more. In a group of 8 people who hadn't previously met beforehand (it was at a group interview) when one mentioned getting high and how he was looking forward to getting high again all but two of us joined in this conversation. Urging him onwards he also divulged an occasion when he went to work "off his head on 'e'" only two of us were shocked by this. How do I know that? We were the only ones not to divulge any of our own experiences with drugs (I've never had any). That's 75% of the group openly admitting to taking drugs, why is this so common and so acceptable?

It appears that acceptability is derived from numbers. Drug use has a domino effect, someone you know suddenly starts taking them, all of a sudden people even closer to you are falling under the pressure or sense of experimentation, one waver and you're taken under by the drugs- some stand resolutely against this force, but the numbers are dwindling after every conquest. It's not all down to pressure, there are many reasons why people start taking drugs and continue to: the most irritating of all is the 'you're-just-a-posh-cunt-and-think-you're-cool' situation. By doing drugs you're basically saying that being yourself isn't good enough, your life isn't good enough, you use drugs as a means of escape: but no one wants to admit that. People look down upon self harming because it's viewed as depressive, whereas drug abuse is associated with 'having a good time' and partying, I know that people would be more shocked if I self harmed than if I started popping pills: but they're both as equally destructive.

The point of this is not to make people listen, I already know they aren't. Apparently 'the drugs do work', or so I've been told.

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